Omnia mutantur,
nihil interit.
Reach out and touch
Is it more real?
Is it more yours?
Is it more real, for you
Than it is for him or me?
And the people who perceive it
Repeat it, distort it, improve it, update it
Slightly change it
And these people believe it
And write it all up for you
And is it more real?
Death is centrifugal
Solar and logical
The spirit is a wild animal that keeps it's distance in regard to us, until something makes it lean forward.
Then it manifests itself.
The holy liquid
Don't ask don't tell
May not be visible to the human eye and may require instruments for detection lo mismo y no es lo mismo...
¿Yo no me había dormido?
¿El jardín no estaba verde de luna?
...y voy y vengo ...¿Es que yo no me había dormido?
Where are you?
Your fear of death atracts such strange objects...don't let it spoil you.
Faces of entitys and ancient souls only revealed when mirrored.
Judgless witnesses of the commings and goings of humans.
Their clocks dwell in millions of years.
8 day performance Art piece in collaboration with VEO artist.
Para conocer lo abstracto no se necesita de palabras
ni siquiera de pensamientos;
es lo abstracto, porque no se puede concebir qué es.
Sin embargo, sin tener la más mínima oportunidad o deseo de entenderlo
el humano lo maneja; lo reconoce, lo llama, lo incita, se familiariza con él y lo expresa en sus actos.
Eye encounters with places and distance
La ciudad de la abundancia